Intuition and Well Being
No one can take your intuition away from you. Intuition is an inner knowing of what is true. You may have heard the phrase “I feel it in my gut.” There is a physiological connection between the space between the eyebrows/middle of the forehead, sometimes called our 3rd eye or 6th Chakra or the seat of our intuition, and our gut. “The heart, guts and brain communicate intimately via a nerve” – the pneumogastric or vagus nerve – “the critical nerve in the expression and management of emotions in both humans and animals…. ” says Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, psychiatrist, author, researcher and educator. This, of course, is why our gut reacts strongly to our emotional state. Why am I saying all this? Because this is a stressful time for everyone. Everything is changing all the time and so much of what is happening around us is affecting our lives